[][src]Struct gstreamer_app::AppSink

pub struct AppSink(_, _);

Appsink is a sink plugin that supports many different methods for making the application get a handle on the GStreamer data in a pipeline. Unlike most GStreamer elements, Appsink provides external API functions.

appsink can be used by linking to the gstappsink.h header file to access the methods or by using the appsink action signals and properties.

The normal way of retrieving samples from appsink is by using the AppSink::pull_sample and AppSink::pull_preroll methods. These methods block until a sample becomes available in the sink or when the sink is shut down or reaches EOS. There are also timed variants of these methods, AppSink::try_pull_sample and AppSink::try_pull_preroll, which accept a timeout parameter to limit the amount of time to wait.

Appsink will internally use a queue to collect buffers from the streaming thread. If the application is not pulling samples fast enough, this queue will consume a lot of memory over time. The "max-buffers" property can be used to limit the queue size. The "drop" property controls whether the streaming thread blocks or if older buffers are dropped when the maximum queue size is reached. Note that blocking the streaming thread can negatively affect real-time performance and should be avoided.

If a blocking behaviour is not desirable, setting the "emit-signals" property to true will make appsink emit the "new-sample" and "new-preroll" signals when a sample can be pulled without blocking.

The "caps" property on appsink can be used to control the formats that appsink can receive. This property can contain non-fixed caps, the format of the pulled samples can be obtained by getting the sample caps.

If one of the pull-preroll or pull-sample methods return None, the appsink is stopped or in the EOS state. You can check for the EOS state with the "eos" property or with the AppSink::is_eos method.

The eos signal can also be used to be informed when the EOS state is reached to avoid polling.


gst_base::BaseSinkExt, gst::ElementExt, gst::ObjectExt, glib::object::ObjectExt, gst::URIHandlerExt


impl AppSink[src]

pub fn get_buffer_list_support(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if self supports buffer lists.

Feature: v1_12


true if self supports buffer lists.

pub fn get_caps(&self) -> Option<Caps>[src]

Get the configured caps on self.


the gst::Caps accepted by the sink. gst::Caps::unref after usage.

pub fn get_drop(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if self will drop old buffers when the maximum amount of queued buffers is reached.


true if self is dropping old buffers when the queue is filled.

pub fn get_emit_signals(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if appsink will emit the "new-preroll" and "new-sample" signals.


true if self is emitting the "new-preroll" and "new-sample" signals.

pub fn get_max_buffers(&self) -> u32[src]

Get the maximum amount of buffers that can be queued in self.


The maximum amount of buffers that can be queued.

pub fn get_wait_on_eos(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if self will wait for all buffers to be consumed when an EOS is received.


true if self will wait for all buffers to be consumed when an EOS is received.

pub fn is_eos(&self) -> bool[src]

Check if self is EOS, which is when no more samples can be pulled because an EOS event was received.

This function also returns true when the appsink is not in the PAUSED or PLAYING state.


true if no more samples can be pulled and the appsink is EOS.

pub fn pull_preroll(&self) -> Result<Sample, BoolError>[src]

Get the last preroll sample in self. This was the sample that caused the appsink to preroll in the PAUSED state.

This function is typically used when dealing with a pipeline in the PAUSED state. Calling this function after doing a seek will give the sample right after the seek position.

Calling this function will clear the internal reference to the preroll buffer.

Note that the preroll sample will also be returned as the first sample when calling AppSink::pull_sample.

If an EOS event was received before any buffers, this function returns None. Use gst_app_sink_is_eos () to check for the EOS condition.

This function blocks until a preroll sample or EOS is received or the appsink element is set to the READY/NULL state.


a gst::Sample or NULL when the appsink is stopped or EOS. Call gst::Sample::unref after usage.

pub fn pull_sample(&self) -> Result<Sample, BoolError>[src]

This function blocks until a sample or EOS becomes available or the appsink element is set to the READY/NULL state.

This function will only return samples when the appsink is in the PLAYING state. All rendered buffers will be put in a queue so that the application can pull samples at its own rate. Note that when the application does not pull samples fast enough, the queued buffers could consume a lot of memory, especially when dealing with raw video frames.

If an EOS event was received before any buffers, this function returns None. Use gst_app_sink_is_eos () to check for the EOS condition.


a gst::Sample or NULL when the appsink is stopped or EOS. Call gst::Sample::unref after usage.

pub fn set_buffer_list_support(&self, enable_lists: bool)[src]

Instruct self to enable or disable buffer list support.

For backwards-compatibility reasons applications need to opt in to indicate that they will be able to handle buffer lists.

Feature: v1_12


enable or disable buffer list support

pub fn set_caps(&self, caps: Option<&Caps>)[src]

Set the capabilities on the appsink element. This function takes a copy of the caps structure. After calling this method, the sink will only accept caps that match caps. If caps is non-fixed, or incomplete, you must check the caps on the samples to get the actual used caps.


caps to set

pub fn set_drop(&self, drop: bool)[src]

Instruct self to drop old buffers when the maximum amount of queued buffers is reached.


the new state

pub fn set_emit_signals(&self, emit: bool)[src]

Make appsink emit the "new-preroll" and "new-sample" signals. This option is by default disabled because signal emission is expensive and unneeded when the application prefers to operate in pull mode.


the new state

pub fn set_max_buffers(&self, max: u32)[src]

Set the maximum amount of buffers that can be queued in self. After this amount of buffers are queued in appsink, any more buffers will block upstream elements until a sample is pulled from self.


the maximum number of buffers to queue

pub fn set_wait_on_eos(&self, wait: bool)[src]

Instruct self to wait for all buffers to be consumed when an EOS is received.


the new state

pub fn try_pull_preroll(&self, timeout: ClockTime) -> Option<Sample>[src]

Get the last preroll sample in self. This was the sample that caused the appsink to preroll in the PAUSED state.

This function is typically used when dealing with a pipeline in the PAUSED state. Calling this function after doing a seek will give the sample right after the seek position.

Calling this function will clear the internal reference to the preroll buffer.

Note that the preroll sample will also be returned as the first sample when calling AppSink::pull_sample.

If an EOS event was received before any buffers or the timeout expires, this function returns None. Use gst_app_sink_is_eos () to check for the EOS condition.

This function blocks until a preroll sample or EOS is received, the appsink element is set to the READY/NULL state, or the timeout expires.

Feature: v1_10


the maximum amount of time to wait for the preroll sample


a gst::Sample or NULL when the appsink is stopped or EOS or the timeout expires. Call gst::Sample::unref after usage.

pub fn try_pull_sample(&self, timeout: ClockTime) -> Option<Sample>[src]

This function blocks until a sample or EOS becomes available or the appsink element is set to the READY/NULL state or the timeout expires.

This function will only return samples when the appsink is in the PLAYING state. All rendered buffers will be put in a queue so that the application can pull samples at its own rate. Note that when the application does not pull samples fast enough, the queued buffers could consume a lot of memory, especially when dealing with raw video frames.

If an EOS event was received before any buffers or the timeout expires, this function returns None. Use gst_app_sink_is_eos () to check for the EOS condition.

Feature: v1_10


the maximum amount of time to wait for a sample


a gst::Sample or NULL when the appsink is stopped or EOS or the timeout expires. Call gst::Sample::unref after usage.

pub fn get_property_buffer_list(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn set_property_buffer_list(&self, buffer_list: bool)[src]

pub fn get_property_eos(&self) -> bool[src]

pub fn connect_eos<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

Signal that the end-of-stream has been reached. This signal is emitted from the streaming thread.

pub fn connect_property_buffer_list_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_caps_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_drop_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_emit_signals_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_eos_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_max_buffers_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

pub fn connect_property_wait_on_eos_notify<F: Fn(&AppSink) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

impl AppSink[src]

pub fn set_callbacks(&self, callbacks: AppSinkCallbacks)[src]

Set callbacks which will be executed for each new preroll, new sample and eos. This is an alternative to using the signals, it has lower overhead and is thus less expensive, but also less flexible.

If callbacks are installed, no signals will be emitted for performance reasons.

Before 1.16.3 it was not possible to change the callbacks in a thread-safe way.


the callbacks


a user_data argument for the callbacks


a destroy notify function

pub fn connect_new_sample<F: Fn(&AppSink) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError> + Send + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

Signal that a new sample is available.

This signal is emitted from the streaming thread and only when the "emit-signals" property is true.

The new sample can be retrieved with the "pull-sample" action signal or AppSink::pull_sample either from this signal callback or from any other thread.

Note that this signal is only emitted when the "emit-signals" property is set to true, which it is not by default for performance reasons.

pub fn connect_new_preroll<F: Fn(&AppSink) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError> + Send + 'static>(
    f: F
) -> SignalHandlerId

Signal that a new preroll sample is available.

This signal is emitted from the streaming thread and only when the "emit-signals" property is true.

The new preroll sample can be retrieved with the "pull-preroll" action signal or AppSink::pull_preroll either from this signal callback or from any other thread.

Note that this signal is only emitted when the "emit-signals" property is set to true, which it is not by default for performance reasons.

pub fn stream(&self) -> AppSinkStream[src]

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for AppSink[src]

impl Debug for AppSink[src]

impl Eq for AppSink[src]

impl Hash for AppSink[src]

impl IsA<BaseSink> for AppSink[src]

impl IsA<Element> for AppSink[src]

impl IsA<Object> for AppSink[src]

impl IsA<URIHandler> for AppSink[src]

impl Ord for AppSink[src]

impl<T: ObjectType> PartialEq<T> for AppSink[src]

impl<T: ObjectType> PartialOrd<T> for AppSink[src]

impl Send for AppSink[src]

impl StaticType for AppSink[src]

impl Sync for AppSink[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for AppSink

impl Unpin for AppSink

impl UnwindSafe for AppSink

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<O> BaseSinkExt for O where
    O: IsA<BaseSink>, 

impl<O> BaseSinkExtManual for O where
    O: IsA<BaseSink>, 

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<Super, Sub> CanDowncast<Sub> for Super where
    Sub: IsA<Super>,
    Super: IsA<Super>, 

impl<T> Cast for T where
    T: ObjectType

impl<O> ElementExt for O where
    O: IsA<Element>, 

impl<O> ElementExtManual for O where
    O: IsA<Element>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<O> GObjectExtManualGst for O where
    O: IsA<Object>, 

impl<O> GstObjectExt for O where
    O: IsA<Object>, 

impl<O> GstObjectExtManual for O where
    O: IsA<Object>, 

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ObjectExt for T where
    T: ObjectType

impl<'a, T> ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const GList> for T where
    T: GlibPtrDefault + ToGlibPtr<'a, <T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType>, 

impl<'a, T> ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const GPtrArray> for T where
    T: GlibPtrDefault + ToGlibPtr<'a, <T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType>, 

impl<'a, T> ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut GArray> for T where
    T: GlibPtrDefault + ToGlibPtr<'a, <T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType>, 

impl<'a, T> ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut GList> for T where
    T: GlibPtrDefault + ToGlibPtr<'a, <T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType>, 

impl<'a, T> ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut GPtrArray> for T where
    T: GlibPtrDefault + ToGlibPtr<'a, <T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T> ToSendValue for T where
    T: ToValue + SetValue + Send + ?Sized

impl<T> ToValue for T where
    T: SetValue + ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<O> URIHandlerExt for O where
    O: IsA<URIHandler>, 