[][src]Trait gstreamer_rtsp_server::prelude::StaticType

pub trait StaticType {
    fn static_type() -> Type;

Types that are supported by GLib dynamic typing.

Required methods

fn static_type() -> Type

Returns the type identifier of Self.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl StaticType for SettingsSchema[src]

impl StaticType for MenuLinkIter[src]

impl StaticType for UnixSocketAddressType[src]

impl StaticType for AppInfoCreateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for ZlibCompressor[src]

impl StaticType for ResourceError[src]

impl StaticType for WriteOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for DesktopAppInfo[src]

impl StaticType for MenuAttributeIter[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMethodInfo[src]

impl StaticType for FileIOStream[src]

impl StaticType for DBusSignalFlags[src]

impl StaticType for FileAttributeMatcher[src]

impl StaticType for SubprocessFlags[src]

impl StaticType for FileAttributeStatus[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMessage[src]

impl StaticType for SubprocessLauncher[src]

impl StaticType for ThemedIcon[src]

impl StaticType for ConverterInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for ConverterResult[src]

impl StaticType for Resource[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMethodInvocation[src]

impl StaticType for Settings[src]

impl StaticType for AppInfoMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for TlsDatabase[src]

impl StaticType for DataStreamNewlineType[src]

impl StaticType for SettingsBindFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TlsConnection[src]

impl StaticType for AppLaunchContext[src]

impl StaticType for PropertyAction[src]

impl StaticType for NetworkMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for ResolverNameLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Seekable[src]

impl StaticType for OutputStreamSpliceFlags[src]

impl StaticType for ZlibDecompressor[src]

impl StaticType for SocketClient[src]

impl StaticType for ActionGroup[src]

impl StaticType for InputStream[src]

impl StaticType for Vfs[src]

impl StaticType for NetworkConnectivity[src]

impl StaticType for TlsInteractionResult[src]

impl StaticType for FileMonitorEvent[src]

impl StaticType for TlsFileDatabase[src]

impl StaticType for SocketType[src]

impl StaticType for DBusArgInfo[src]

impl StaticType for SettingsSchemaKey[src]

impl StaticType for MenuItem[src]

impl StaticType for OutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for InetAddress[src]

impl StaticType for ZlibCompressorFormat[src]

impl StaticType for DataStreamByteOrder[src]

impl StaticType for Emblem[src]

impl StaticType for ConverterFlags[src]

impl StaticType for VolumeMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for SrvTarget[src]

impl StaticType for DBusInterfaceSkeleton[src]

impl StaticType for ActionMap[src]

impl StaticType for DBusCapabilityFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TlsCertificateRequestFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Menu[src]

impl StaticType for TlsPasswordFlags[src]

impl StaticType for File[src]

impl StaticType for TlsCertificateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Permission[src]

impl StaticType for IOStreamSpliceFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Volume[src]

impl StaticType for DriveStartFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SettingsBackend[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMessageByteOrder[src]

impl StaticType for UnixMountEntry[src]

impl StaticType for IOErrorEnum[src]

impl StaticType for DBusCallFlags[src]

impl StaticType for ProxyAddress[src]

impl StaticType for FileCreateFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DBusConnectionFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DBusServerFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SocketConnection[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMenuModel[src]

impl StaticType for SimpleActionGroup[src]

impl StaticType for UnixSocketAddress[src]

impl StaticType for ApplicationCommandLine[src]

impl StaticType for CredentialsType[src]

impl StaticType for DataInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for ResolverRecordType[src]

impl StaticType for SettingsSchemaSource[src]

impl StaticType for TcpConnection[src]

impl StaticType for DBusInterface[src]

impl StaticType for Proxy[src]

impl StaticType for MenuModel[src]

impl StaticType for FileMeasureFlags[src]

impl StaticType for RemoteActionGroup[src]

impl StaticType for MountUnmountFlags[src]

impl StaticType for FileMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for NotificationPriority[src]

impl StaticType for Drive[src]

impl StaticType for DBusSignalInfo[src]

impl StaticType for SocketAddress[src]

impl StaticType for LoadableIcon[src]

impl StaticType for BusType[src]

impl StaticType for TlsAuthenticationMode[src]

impl StaticType for ProxyResolver[src]

impl StaticType for PollableOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for FileAttributeType[src]

impl StaticType for Resolver[src]

impl StaticType for TlsClientConnection[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for Notification[src]

impl StaticType for FileEnumerator[src]

impl StaticType for Application[src]

impl StaticType for SocketClientEvent[src]

impl StaticType for ResourceLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MountOperationResult[src]

impl StaticType for NetworkAddress[src]

impl StaticType for SocketFamily[src]

impl StaticType for ListStore[src]

impl StaticType for UnixInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for FileMonitorFlags[src]

impl StaticType for FilterInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for DBusPropertyInfo[src]

impl StaticType for TlsServerConnection[src]

impl StaticType for Cancellable[src]

impl StaticType for SocketListener[src]

impl StaticType for FileIcon[src]

impl StaticType for FileInfo[src]

impl StaticType for UnixMountPoint[src]

impl StaticType for FileCopyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for BufferedInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for FileQueryInfoFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DBusProxyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for MountOperation[src]

impl StaticType for BufferedOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for FileType[src]

impl StaticType for DBusProxy[src]

impl StaticType for DBusNodeInfo[src]

impl StaticType for DBusServer[src]

impl StaticType for DBusSendMessageFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DBusInterfaceInfo[src]

impl StaticType for Subprocess[src]

impl StaticType for DBusConnection[src]

impl StaticType for SocketProtocol[src]

impl StaticType for TlsRehandshakeMode[src]

impl StaticType for CharsetConverter[src]

impl StaticType for Credentials[src]

impl StaticType for TlsPassword[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMessageType[src]

impl StaticType for SimpleAction[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryMonitorWarningLevel[src]

impl StaticType for TlsInteraction[src]

impl StaticType for UnixFDList[src]

impl StaticType for DBusObject[src]

impl StaticType for DriveStartStopType[src]

impl StaticType for TlsDatabaseLookupFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Socket[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMessageFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DataOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for DBusMessageHeaderField[src]

impl StaticType for DBusAuthObserver[src]

impl StaticType for UnixOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for ListModel[src]

impl StaticType for SocketConnectable[src]

impl StaticType for FilterOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for ThreadedSocketService[src]

impl StaticType for SocketAddressEnumerator[src]

impl StaticType for SocketListenerEvent[src]

impl StaticType for TlsCertificate[src]

impl StaticType for ConverterOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for TlsDatabaseVerifyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for FileInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for MountMountFlags[src]

impl StaticType for BytesIcon[src]

impl StaticType for Icon[src]

impl StaticType for IOStream[src]

impl StaticType for FileOutputStream[src]

impl StaticType for BusNameOwnerFlags[src]

impl StaticType for EmblemedIcon[src]

impl StaticType for ReadInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for SocketService[src]

impl StaticType for DBusInterfaceSkeletonFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Action[src]

impl StaticType for ApplicationFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Converter[src]

impl StaticType for InetAddressMask[src]

impl StaticType for NetworkService[src]

impl StaticType for SimplePermission[src]

impl StaticType for BusNameWatcherFlags[src]

impl StaticType for InetSocketAddress[src]

impl StaticType for Mount[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for EmblemOrigin[src]

impl StaticType for FilenameCompleter[src]

impl StaticType for PasswordSave[src]

impl StaticType for AppInfo[src]

impl StaticType for PollableInputStream[src]

impl StaticType for AskPasswordFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SimpleIOStream[src]

impl StaticType for InitiallyUnowned[src]

impl StaticType for Binding[src]

impl StaticType for i8[src]

impl StaticType for VariantDict[src]

impl StaticType for Checksum[src]

impl StaticType for f32[src]

impl StaticType for u32[src]

impl StaticType for Bytes[src]

impl StaticType for BindingFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Vec<String>[src]

impl StaticType for str[src]

impl StaticType for f64[src]

impl StaticType for TimeZone[src]

impl StaticType for Vec<GString>[src]

impl StaticType for VariantTy[src]

impl<'a> StaticType for [&'a str][src]

impl StaticType for ParamSpec[src]

impl StaticType for i32[src]

impl StaticType for KeyFile[src]

impl StaticType for u8[src]

impl StaticType for Type[src]

impl StaticType for String[src]

impl StaticType for String[src]

impl StaticType for Variant[src]

impl StaticType for Closure[src]

impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a mut T where
    T: StaticType + ?Sized

impl StaticType for Source[src]

impl StaticType for MainLoop[src]

impl StaticType for i64[src]

impl StaticType for bool[src]

impl StaticType for u64[src]

impl StaticType for Date[src]

impl StaticType for Object[src]

impl<'a, T> StaticType for &'a T where
    T: StaticType + ?Sized

impl StaticType for Error[src]

impl<T> StaticType for Boxed<T> where
    T: BoxedType

impl StaticType for MainContext[src]

impl StaticType for VariantType[src]

impl StaticType for IOCondition[src]

impl StaticType for DateTime[src]

impl StaticType for GString[src]

impl StaticType for ValueArray[src]

impl StaticType for ByteArray[src]

impl StaticType for ParseFlags[src]

impl StaticType for CoreError[src]

impl StaticType for StreamStatusType[src]

impl StaticType for Structure[src]

impl StaticType for TagListRef[src]

impl StaticType for ProxyPad[src]

impl<'a> StaticType for Array<'a>[src]

impl StaticType for CapsRef[src]

impl StaticType for BufferList[src]

impl StaticType for SchedulingFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Element[src]

impl StaticType for CapsFeatures[src]

impl StaticType for Device[src]

impl StaticType for BufferListRef[src]

impl StaticType for PadLinkReturn[src]

impl<'a> StaticType for List<'a>[src]

impl StaticType for PadMode[src]

impl StaticType for GhostPad[src]

impl StaticType for ContextRef[src]

impl StaticType for TagSetter[src]

impl StaticType for Rank[src]

impl StaticType for Object[src]

impl StaticType for FlowReturn[src]

impl StaticType for Bin[src]

impl StaticType for Buffer[src]

impl StaticType for PadLinkCheck[src]

impl StaticType for Sample[src]

impl StaticType for Allocator[src]

impl StaticType for TagList[src]

impl StaticType for QOSType[src]

impl StaticType for TagFlag[src]

impl StaticType for Pad[src]

impl StaticType for SeekType[src]

impl StaticType for StreamCollection[src]

impl StaticType for ParseError[src]

impl StaticType for Query[src]

impl StaticType for BufferingMode[src]

impl StaticType for PluginAPIFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TocEntryRef[src]

impl StaticType for DeviceProvider[src]

impl StaticType for MessageRef[src]

impl StaticType for Bitmask[src]

impl StaticType for ClockReturn[src]

impl StaticType for URIError[src]

impl StaticType for PadProbeReturn[src]

impl StaticType for SegmentFlags[src]

impl StaticType for DebugLevel[src]

impl StaticType for BufferCopyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for LibraryError[src]

impl StaticType for TocRef[src]

impl StaticType for BufferPool[src]

impl<T> StaticType for Iterator<T>[src]

impl StaticType for DebugGraphDetails[src]

impl StaticType for ClockFlags[src]

impl StaticType for SampleRef[src]

impl StaticType for ElementFlags[src]

impl StaticType for QueryRef[src]

impl StaticType for TypeFindProbability[src]

impl StaticType for StreamError[src]

impl StaticType for Fraction[src]

impl StaticType for FractionRange[src]

impl StaticType for ClockEntryType[src]

impl StaticType for BufferFlags[src]

impl StaticType for EventType[src]

impl StaticType for StaticPadTemplate[src]

impl StaticType for PromiseResult[src]

impl StaticType for Toc[src]

impl StaticType for StateChange[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryRef[src]

impl StaticType for StructureRef[src]

impl StaticType for ElementFactory[src]

impl<T> StaticType for FormattedSegment<T> where
    T: FormattedValue

impl StaticType for PadFlags[src]

impl StaticType for URIType[src]

impl StaticType for URIHandler[src]

impl StaticType for IntRange<i32>[src]

impl StaticType for TocScope[src]

impl StaticType for StreamType[src]

impl StaticType for EventRef[src]

impl StaticType for BusSyncReply[src]

impl StaticType for MessageType[src]

impl StaticType for Preset[src]

impl StaticType for Caps[src]

impl StaticType for DebugColorFlags[src]

impl StaticType for PipelineFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Format[src]

impl StaticType for Event[src]

impl StaticType for ResourceError[src]

impl StaticType for Pipeline[src]

impl StaticType for TagScope[src]

impl StaticType for ChildProxy[src]

impl StaticType for DateTime[src]

impl StaticType for PluginFlags[src]

impl StaticType for StackTraceFlags[src]

impl StaticType for StaticCaps[src]

impl StaticType for TagMergeMode[src]

impl StaticType for TocEntryType[src]

impl StaticType for Bus[src]

impl StaticType for Clock[src]

impl StaticType for StateChangeReturn[src]

impl StaticType for BinFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Promise[src]

impl StaticType for IntRange<i64>[src]

impl StaticType for CapsIntersectMode[src]

impl StaticType for Memory[src]

impl StaticType for PadTemplate[src]

impl StaticType for PadProbeType[src]

impl StaticType for PluginFeature[src]

impl StaticType for ClockType[src]

impl StaticType for StructureChangeType[src]

impl StaticType for BufferPoolAcquireFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Stream[src]

impl StaticType for TypeFindFactory[src]

impl StaticType for Plugin[src]

impl StaticType for MemoryFlags[src]

impl StaticType for State[src]

impl StaticType for Message[src]

impl StaticType for TocSetter[src]

impl StaticType for DeviceProviderFactory[src]

impl StaticType for PadPresence[src]

impl StaticType for ProgressType[src]

impl StaticType for SystemClock[src]

impl StaticType for TocLoopType[src]

impl StaticType for SeekFlags[src]

impl StaticType for Registry[src]

impl StaticType for BufferRef[src]

impl StaticType for TocEntry[src]

impl StaticType for PluginDependencyFlags[src]

impl StaticType for CapsFeaturesRef[src]

impl StaticType for PadDirection[src]

impl StaticType for ObjectFlags[src]

impl StaticType for StreamFlags[src]

impl StaticType for TaskState[src]

impl StaticType for Context[src]

impl StaticType for DeviceMonitor[src]

impl StaticType for ParseContext[src]

impl StaticType for PluginError[src]

impl StaticType for NetTimeProvider[src]

impl StaticType for NtpClock[src]

impl StaticType for PtpClock[src]

impl StaticType for NetClientClock[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMsgType[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMethod[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPHeaderField[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPFamily[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPUrl[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPAuthParam[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPState[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPAuthMethod[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPProfile[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPLowerTrans[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPResult[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPTransMode[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPRangeUnit[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPTimeType[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPEvent[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPStatusCode[src]

impl StaticType for SDPMessageRef

impl StaticType for SDPMessage[src]

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impl StaticType for RTSPPublishClockMode[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPSuspendMode[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPAddress[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPAddressPool[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPAuth[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPClient[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMedia[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMediaFactory[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMediaFactoryURI[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPMountPoints[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPServer[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPSession[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPSessionMedia[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPSessionPool[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPStream[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPStreamTransport[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPThread[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPThreadPool[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPThreadRef[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPToken[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPTokenRef[src]

impl StaticType for RTSPTransportMode[src]

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